My Brand????
So here I am, starting a new series of blogs, the first since the three I posted on my
website which was created in 2018. Why, you might ask, has it taken nearly 5 years to
decide to actually utilize my website and write again and expand my social media and
actually have a link to my blogs? Because I have an antipathy about self-promotion. It
embarrasses me. I know, I am a dinosaur, a 19th century attitude in a 21 st century world.
Also, I am a lot older than I used to be (gee, really?) and anything to do with learning
new computer skills and dealing with social media terrifies me. So, except for the
occasional Facebook post (Meta, is it now? Why?) I have shut my eyes and pretended
it’s not there.
I am told by those I respect that enough is enough. It’s time to promote my brand.
My brand? Really? I am to raise my media profile. Why? Because then my so-called
public can find out about my activities and hear about where they might meet me or get
an autographed picture or stuff like that. Why would they want to? Most likely it’s my
current small claim to a fairly limited piece of fame: I was the voice of Poison Ivy in the
original “Batman the Animated Series” that debuted in 1992 and hasn’t been off the air
since. And for which I receive royalties and a certain amount of acclaim from some
really loyal Batman fans. Or to use the jargon, a fan base. Yes, that’s what I found out
it’s called. A fan base.
A what? I asked a friend a few years ago who told me I had one. Really? (See?
Total head in the sand attitude). I had a presence on social media of which I was totally
unaware. And when that someone also suggested I call a small but powerful recent
start-up named Celebworx and ask if they were interested in representing me for Comic
Cons, I shuddered but did just that. And the founders of Celebworx (Chris Arsaga and
Nery Lemus, both of whom I love fiercely) were totally willing—indeed
enthusiastic—about taking me on. So here I am six or so years later and I’ve made a
whole bunch of Comic Con appearances all over the country and I’ve loved doing it.
And that, loyal readers is my current small world of fame.
I will be Instagramming now, and posting on my Profile Facebook (sorry, Meta)
page and referring folks to my web site (dianepershing.com), where they will find my
meanderings about this and that, buttons to push to order signed autographs, a chance
to get updates from me, even to request a personalized Cameo video.
So here I am. A brand. I have had several careers—as many of you know—and
my audience will most likely span three generations, mine and the two below me, and
will also span singing, writing novels and scripts and film reviews, acting, voiceovers. I
foresee a lot of work and some insecurity and the usual chaos that I have put up with all
of my life. I sigh. I am told I am catastrophizing about something that is a lot easier than
I think it will be. And my mantra as I age is “remain teachable.” So here we go. Another
huge sigh, this one a sigh of resignation. Bring it on.